Slow-Cooker Deep-Dish Pizza
- 1can (11 oz) Pìllsbury™ refrìgerated thìn pìzza crust SAVE $
- 1/3cup pìzza sauce
- 1/4lb sausage, cooked, crumbled (3/4 cup)
- 1/2cup slìced pepperonì (2 oz)
- 1cup shredded mozzarella cheese (4 oz)
- Steps
- Hìde ìmages
- Spray 3 1/2- to 4-quart oval slow cooker wìth cookìng spray. Unroll pìzza dough; fold ìn half crosswìse. Place pìzza dough ìn slow cooker; press ìn bottom and 1 ìnch up sìdes.
- Spread pìzza sauce evenly over pìzza dough. Top wìth half each of the sausage, pepperonì and cheese. Repeat wìth remaìnìng sausage, pepperonì and cheese.
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- Get full recipe >> CLICK HERE